Monday, April 27, 2015


As the school year begins to wind down, it is a good time to reflect on how things have gone.  For today's post, you will need list AT LEAST THREE things that you have accomplished this past year AND that you are PROUD of.  This could be for grades or other academic achievements, sports, or maybe something non-school related that you have accomplished during the 2014-2015 school year.  (keep in mind that this is a public blog and can and will be viewed by others)


  1. My grades.... I have had all A's and B's all year long.
    Sports.. I went out for track, yes, I had to quite but I was also trying to balance work and track and it got to be to much. I have a lot to pay for with graduation and college right around the corner so I had to pick my job first.
    Scholarships.... This is definitely my biggest, I busted my butt to complete scholarships and I was being to get discouraged and didn't think I was going to get any and now I have received 4 and still waiting to here from more.

  2. Sports- I have gotten faster in track and I ran harder in football.
    School- My grades have stayed pretty good throughout the year and I also made National Honor Society.
    Music- I have expanded my music vocabulary and I enjoy it more than ever.

  3. My grades they have been good
    sports we did ok
    ag I learned alot more than i do now
